Harmony Singing & Background Vocal Arranging: Volume One

background music CDs > Harmony Singing & Background Vocal Arranging: Volume One

Edition: Audio CD
Price: $29.95


 A friendly & comprehensive full course on how to sing in harmony by ear on 2 CD's with guest artists, lots of interactive excersises in 7 lessons, 54 tracks in all.
 Penny Nichols

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1. Open Your Heart- Michael Monagan c. Sossity Music 2002
2. Michael Row the Boat Ashore- Tom Prasada-Rao (Trad.)
3. Motherless Child- Deborah McColl (Trad.)
4. A Sailor's Life- Penny Nichols (Trad.)
5. Water- Severin Brownec. Sub-Dude Music, BMI 1995
6. How Will You Know?- Small Potatos (Jaqui Manning & Rich Prezioso)c. Jaqui Manning, 2001
7. Darlene- Tom Prasada-Rao c. Simple Gift Music, BMI 1999

Customer reviews:

Dont buy this unless you already can sing

If zero stars was an option I would have chosen it. This cd does not in any way show the listener how to pick out harmony parts. The parts are all sung simultaneously and you have no idea how they were constructed or even what the harmony parts are by themselves. This is by far the worst musical purchase I have ever made and I do have quite a collection of musical texts and cd's. If you are eager to learn how to harmonize this book simply is too complicated and noy well thought out. This cd seems more like a showcase for the authors ability which does the buyer absolutely no good.

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