Over Washington

nature video DVDs > Over Washington


Edition: DVD
Price: $19.95

 Special Interests
 Television & Documentary

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Customer reviews:

Over Series by KCTS

The entire Over series by Seattles' pbs station is pure hi-def eye candy, loaded with pleasing music they are beautifully breathtaking, and very relaxing. They occasionally add some sound effects, but minimal narration and no subtitles. Will give your HDTV a workout. Not travelogues, I've lived here for years and get lost watching them as the narration is minimal. Just wish the videos would show all the rain we get to make it this beautiful. Bores kids, enchants adults. No, I don't work for pbs.

Over Washington

I lived in the State of Washington for a number of years. While the footage of the state is good, the lack of subtitles leaves a person not familiar with the state not knowing what they are viewing. The makers of this DVD could easily have taken the time to include labels for each of the prominent landmarks they flew over. Additionally, as a professional charter and airline pilot, I question the 30-45 degree bank angles the pilot performed in making this film. Those angles did not enhance the scenic views, they detract from it.

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