Living Waterfalls DVD

nature video DVDs > Living Waterfalls DVD


Edition: DVD
Price: $19.99

 Nature & Wildlife
 Special Interests

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Customer reviews:

Living Waterfalls

I expected the digital animation to be more life-like. I guess I've been spoiled by some of the beautiful aquarium programs. The menu is great. The images are lovely, but the nature sound track does not vary and the sounds of the waterfalls are almost secondary on the track.

Vivid Waterfalls, Distracting Soundtrack

This is not a photographic essay of waterfalls, but rather animated clips of three waterfalls. Only the first, pictured on the cover art, actually shows flowing water; the other two are static drawings of waterfalls, with the animation limited to flocks of birds and the occasional fish in the pool beneath the falls.


THE VIDEO MENU: By default each clip plays about five minutes, and the three cycle continually, but you can also choose to play only one clip continually.

THE PICTURES THEMSELVES: In general superb, with photographic detail. My only quibble is that only the first shows running water.


THE "NATURE SOUNDS" AUDIO TRACK: This blends the sound of a waterfall with jungle sounds; the same track is used for all three pictures. The sound of the jungle creatures was harsh and overbearing and nearly drowned out the murmur of the water; at one point the scream of a big cat actually made my dogs look up. I wish the developers had offered an additional audio menu choice of ONLY the sound of the waterfall.

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